What Our LOGO Represents
The creation of mind of Founder : Vaidya Chandramouli Yadaw (designed by self)
The 5 leaves of Lotus
Lotus have great importance in Bhartiya culture & tradition. It has devotional & moral values and Its the sign of wealth, prosperity, joy, hope of good things.
Moreover as per Sushrut Samhita पुण्डरीकेण सदृशं हृदयं स्यादधोमुखम् | जाग्रतस्तद्विकसति स्वपतश्च निमीलति ||सुश्रुत शरीर 4/31|| means shape of heart which is sign of life is same as inverted bud of lotus flower & It swells in the awake state and contracts in the dormant state. So the lotus flower in our logo indicate life.
Why Only 5 leaves?
The 5 leaves of lotus : represents everything on earth originated from 5 elemnts i.e. Akash (Sky), Vaayu (Air), Agni (Fire), Jal (Water) & Prithwi (Earth) and in ayurveda we treat thease 5 elements.
5 leaves also represnts Shodhana Chikitsa i.e. Panchakarma (A procedure to cure very chronic disease). In which 2 green leaves indicates Purva Karma (Pre-procedure) Snehan & Swadan and 3 Pink leaves indicates Pradhan Karma (Main procedure) Vaman, Virechan & Basti. Lt BRYM Ayurveda™ is committed for panchakarma to cure a chronic disease.
The Human with 2 big leaves, 3 small leaves & 1 snake around.
This resembels to sign of medicine Caduceus, sign of modern medicine becuase we also use modern diagnostic tool & techniques to rectify disease for research purpose of disease. But it is in full natural way because we follow only ayurvedic treatment for the managemnt of disease.
Human in centre : represents sign of life; an individual which is in need of ayurvedic help & going to be cured.
Snake : the sign of evil; represnts the disease or lifestyle coiling the human to harm or to create disease.
Two big leaves : represets peace; dwividh chikitsa (Twin management of ayurveda) i.e. Shodhan & Saman the main aspect of ayurveda management.
Three little leave : holding the human represents the base which holds life. As per ayurveda Tridanda, Tridosh / Tristhun / Tristambh, Trisutra / Skandhtraya, Tray-upstambh & Triskandh. The base of life and science of life (Ayurveda).
The Finale Outcome
BRYM means a quiet, practical nature and a clever with wisdom, studious & researcher, inventive mind. It is also acronym for our beloved deceased father Lt. Bholaram Yadaw Memorial Ayurveda.
In which the prevention, wellness, cure is our tagline Prevention means disease prevention, wellness is for mental & physical wellness & cure is for cure of disease.
Our aim line is प्राणदः स्याद्यथा नृणाम् which means मनुष्यों के लिए जीवनदायी It would be life-giving for human beings. Yes our aim is to give healthy life to every individual by Prevention, Welness & Cure.
With all above vision Lt. BRYM Ayurveda's finale logo came. A sign of perfect blend of ancient ayurvedic practice with modern techniques, a sign of health & posperity.